Psychology Services

Psychology Services

Who Are School Psychologists?

School Psychologists are uniquely qualified members of school teams who support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. School Psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community. Source: National Association of School Psychologists

What Do School Psychologists Do?

School Psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students, consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school social workers) to improve support strategies, work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies, and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services. They help schools successfully:
  • Improve Academic Achievement
  • Promote Positive Behavior and Mental Health
  • Support Diverse Learners
  • Create Safe, Positive School Climates
  • Strengthen Family-School Partnerships
  • Improve School-Wide Assessment and Accountability Monitor Individual Student Progress in Academics and Behavior

Source: National Association of School Psychologists 

Why Do Children Need School Psychologists?

All children and youth can face problems from time to time related to learning, social relationships, making difficult decisions, and/or managing emotions such as feeling depressed, anxious, worried, or isolated. School Psychologists help students, families, educators, and members of the community understand and resolve both long-term, chronic problems and short-term issues that students may face. They are a highly skilled and ready resource in the effort to ensure that all children and youth thrive in school, at home, and in life. Source: National Association of School Psychologists


Cassandra Bennett
Bennett, Cassandra
School Psychologist
Office: 520-836-8500 x 3568


Baely Humber
Humber, Baely
TOA Psychologist
-520-836-8500 x 3568 CGUHS
-520-876-9400 x 4147 VGHS


Dylan Holstein-Radin
Holstein-Radin, Dylan
School Psychologist
Office: 520-876-9400 x 4147
Our Non-Discrimination Commitment

Casa Grande Union High School District #82 prohibits discrimination in employment and educational programs based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator(s), Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, or [email protected]

El Distrito Casa Grande Union High #82 prohibe la discriminación de empleo y programas educacionales basados en raza, color, religion, sexo, edad, descapacidad, origen nacional, estado militar, información de prueba genetica, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o expresion y provee acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados.

Preguntas, quejas, o solicitudes para información adicional de acuerdo a estas leyes deben ser dirigidas a la coordinadora designada, Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, [email protected]

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