Welcome to CGUHSD Exceptional Student Services.
Where “ALL means ALL”
Special Education is a “service not a place”, and here at CGUHSD we provide the continuum of services to meet the needs of ALL students identified with different disabilities.
Special Education Services
Special Education services and programs of the Casa Grande Union High School District shall emerge from the general educational program to meet the instructional and environmental needs of our exceptional children. An exceptional student is defined as any student who, because of an identified disability, requires specially designed instruction in order to receive a free, appropriate public education.
Special Education is a service-not a place. Special Education shall be provided through a continuum of services which include instruction in the general education classroom with supplementary aids and services, services integrated into the general education classroom, specialized instruction in a resource or pull-out setting, instruction in a specialized classroom, instruction in a special school, home instruction, and instruction in hospitals or institutions. The removal of students with disabilities from the general educational environment will only occur when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in general education classes or in a building with non-disabled students, with the use of Special Education services, cannot be achieved satisfactorily. The District may contract, as necessary, for the education of students with disabilities in approved public or private agencies when the needs of the student cannot be met within the district.
It is the policy of the Casa Grande Union High School District that students with disabilities:
- Will be located and identified.
- Will have comprehensive evaluation services which define both needs and strengths.
- Will have Individual Education Programs designed to meet their specific needs.
- Will be offered special help based on the individual education program in the Least Restrictive Environment possible, and as close as possible to the student’s home school.
- Will have any potentially harmful effects considered prior to placement for Special Education services.
- Will be educated to the maximum extent possible with non-disabled peers.
- Will have their programs reviewed at least annually.
- Will be re-evaluated or considered for re-evaluation at least every three years.
Students in public or private institutions or other care facilities will be educated with nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. The district will establish procedures for monitoring the programs of such students, and will provide for reintegration into the public schools when recommended in the student’s Individual Educational Programs. No child in an institution, who is capable of being educated in a general public school setting as defined by the IEP, will be denied access to education in the public schools.