Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

CGUHSD is committed to the health and safety of our students. A registered nurse is located at each school site and a nurse’s assistant rotates shifts between both schools. The Health Office provides first aid, health screenings, and education for our students. It is not an urgent care or primary care facility. Health Office staff are not allowed to prescribe, treat, or diagnose. Parents/Guardians must provide all medications for their students. All medications must be brought to the Health Office and a consent form signed. When an illness or accident occurs during school hours, basic first aid and/or emergency care is provided, and a parent/guardian is notified as soon as possible. A parent/guardian is expected to arrange for their student to leave school within one (1) hour of being notified. Further care and follow-up are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. If you think your student may be ill, check with your doctor before sending them back to school. Students who have been sent home by the Health Office due to illness should be fever and symptom free for at least 24 hours without the aid of prescribed or over-the-counter medications before returning to school.


Delayna (CNA) Nez
Nez, Delayna (CNA)
Healthcare Facilitator
Office: 520-836-8500 x 3135
Tricia (RN) Tipton
Tipton, Tricia (RN)
Registered Nurse
Office: 520-836-8500 x 3136


All medications (except for cough drops) must be brought to the Health Office and a release form signed by a parent/guardian. This includes both prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. Students may carry asthma inhalers, diabetic supplies/insulin, and epinephrine injectors after the Health Office receives a consent form signed by a parent/guardian. All prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy container, labeled with the student’s name, prescription number, name of medication, dosage, and number of times a day to be administered. Non-prescription medications, including dietary supplements, must also be in the original labeled container with information from the parent/guardian as to the date(s), time(s), and amount(s) to be given. School personnel have the authority to administer medications, prescription and non-prescription, to minor students only with written permission from the parent/guardian. Other school-designated personnel may only administer daily medications and emergency medications (asthma inhalers, diabetic supplies/insulin, or epinephrine injectors). Expired medication cannot be administered.

Our Non-Discrimination Commitment

Casa Grande Union High School District #82 prohibits discrimination in employment and educational programs based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator(s), Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, or [email protected]

El Distrito Casa Grande Union High #82 prohibe la discriminación de empleo y programas educacionales basados en raza, color, religion, sexo, edad, descapacidad, origen nacional, estado militar, información de prueba genetica, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o expresion y provee acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados.

Preguntas, quejas, o solicitudes para información adicional de acuerdo a estas leyes deben ser dirigidas a la coordinadora designada, Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, [email protected]

© 2025. Casa Grande Union High School District. All Rights Reserved.
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