Federal and state law requires that School Districts must ensure that a free and appropriate public education is available to all children with disabilities residing within the district between the ages of 3-22, inclusive, including children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled. The identification, locating and evaluation of students with disabilities within Casa Grande Union High School District is accomplished in a number of ways.
45-Day Screening
All students enrolling in the district for the first time will be screened in the areas of vision, hearing, communication, academic skills and social skills within 45 days of their enrollment. Any concerns identified by this screening will be followed up by the appropriate person.
Student Study Team (SST)
Any teacher, parent, or other person knowledgeable about the student, who suspects that a student may have a disability, may refer the student to the Student Study Team. The person requesting the Student Study Team shall contact the appropriate SST team leader. The role of the SST is to discuss their concerns about the student and recommend strategies and interventions to address those concerns and student needs. After strategies and interventions have been tried and documented, the SST Team shall recommend if a student needs formal evaluation.