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CG-Engineering20220822 (1)

Students in CGUHS CTE Engineering I course are in their 5th week of learning to use industry standard 3D modeling software SolidWorks. To date, students have learned parametric modeling fundamentals, constructive solid geometry concepts, and geometric relations fundamentals. This course is the first step in the four-year long CTE Engineering course of study. At the end of this semester, the students will test for the Certified SolidWorks Associate professional certification. This four-hour long certification examination in mechanical design allows the students to demonstrate that they possess the cutting-edge skills and expertise in 3D modeling design that businesses seek out and reward. The students are also learning the communication and collaboration skills expected of our engineering students as well as technical reading and technical writing skills. The Cougars are instructed by John Morris, CTE Engineering/CTE Software & App Design/Mathematics teacher. Visit the Engineering webpage at