Mr. Lucasia’s College Mathematics classes took part in an engaging activity this week. The purpose was to recognize a pattern, as the lesson for the day was problem solving using patterns and relationships. Senior students were assigned the task in groups of 4’s and/or 3’s. In three minutes, or until the music ended, they were to orderly highlight as many of the numbers 1-100 as possible. After Round 1, they were asked to look at the results of their highlighted numbers. Then, Round 2 took place with the same task. The goal was to increase their highlighted number from Round 1. Some noticed the pattern and planned their strategy for the second round, while others swapped chairs and switched positions. They even requested a third round because they had so much fun playing the game! According to Mr. Lucasia, “I've never seen my students so engaged and active as they were that day. Some said they've never had a math class as fascinating as this!" Visit the Mathematics webpage at