(CGUHS) The AZ/NASA Nationwide Eclipse Balloon Project team had a good practice flight on Saturday, September 16. After an almost two-hour delay by the FAA (just like SpaceX!), they were able to launch from I-8 at Exit 161. CGUHS was once again the site of the ground tracking team operated by students from Arizona State University (ASU) and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU). Their burst altitude was 88,990 feet (16.8 miles), and the recovery was north of Highway 87 near Blackwater. The recovered payloads were all in good condition. This is expected to be the last practice launch before the team travels to Roswell, New Mexico, to launch a balloon payload to observe the October 14 annular eclipse. Though not traveling to the Roswell event, CGUHS students will be at ASU Tempe on that date to help with the planned outreach events happening there. The CGUHS Near Space Research Team will participate in a high-altitude balloon launch on November 18 as part of the AZ NASA Space Grant ASCEND! program. The Cougars are advised by Mr. John Morris. Visit their webpage at https://www.cguhsd.org/cgNearSpaceResearchTeam.aspx.
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