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Professional Development
CG-CounselingCounselorProfessionalDevelopmentWithJuniorAchievementAndIBM20231108 (1)

(CGUHS) On Wednesday, November 8, School Counselors/Success Coaches traveled to Tempe, Arizona, for a Professional Development Day with Junior Achievement and IBM. The purpose of the training day was to share with Counselors the interactive programs developed by Junior Achievement and IBM (curriculum). These highly interactive programs allow students to immerse themselves in the business and entrepreneurial worlds. Students not only have online Biztown experiences, they also serve, and employees in various businesses, borrow money to subsidize their businesses, and learn to prepare business plans. The students in the Junior Achievement truly learn how business works in the United States. Teachers can integrate these experiences in their classrooms by adopting online syllabi for them to integrate in their classroom. Junior Achievement also offers a “Stock Market Competitive Program” whereby the winners in the state go on to the national competition.

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[Pictured L-R: Mrs. Arlisa Crank-Townsend, Dr. Michael G. Flemister, Mrs. Lisa Preecs, Ms. Kim Robinson, and Mrs. Beth Lizarraga]