(CGUHS) On Friday, February 9, students from the CTE Engineering NASA Space Grant ASCEND! Team traveled to Phoenix College (PC) as guests of the Phoenix College ASCEND! Team.
During their time at PC, students attended a lecture by Dr. Ed Ong, Professor of Chemistry, on the similarities and differences between the scientific method and the engineering design method. They then moved into a chemistry lab where Dr. Ong led an experiment where the students initiated a chemical reaction involving polymer cross-linking using a borate ion.
Dr. Ong next took students into Phoenix College Center for Microscopy Lab where students learned to operate a Scanning Electron Microscope for imaging and x-ray analysis. They spent quite a while imaging and understanding various samples and ways of representing data.
Students then moved outside for a presentation by PC Astronomer Dr. Rob Klinger, a professor in the Aerospace Studies Department. Professor Klinger had set up two telescopes with H-alpha filters so students could view sunspots directly through the telescopes. Unfortunately, just as they were to begin their observations, large clouds rolled in and they were unable to see the sun.
Students moved back inside where they met with members of the PC ASCEND! Team. Over a working lunch, they engaged in conversation with team members with similar responsibilities and roles.
The CTE Engineering NASA Space Grant ASCEND! Team are Project Manager and Power and Control Systems Designer Emily Geen, Science Mission Principal Investigator Landri Howard, Programming & Data Analysis Manager Ethan Morgan, Programmer & Project Outreach Coordinator Melody Limon, Payload Enclosure Design & Systems Integration Engineer Elijah Ramirez, Computer Simulation Testing Engineer Angel Gonzalez, Project Intern Aliceanna Villanueva, and Project Intern Zacheriah Buchanan.