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Clubs Host Career Talk
CG-AzHOSAChiefScienceOfficersCareerTalk20220121 (2)

On Friday, January 21, Dr. Andrea Wiens gave a talk about being a Medical Examiner to a group of Biology, Forensic Science, Engineering, and Biotechnology students held at the CGUHS Building L Testing Room. She explained the significance of her profession in the field and was amazed by the attentive students who earnestly listened to her stories as she dissected and analyzed a body under investigation. Attendees asked equally meaningful questions in which she answered with her 12-year expertise as a Medical Examiner. This Career Talk was a semestral event organized by the AzHOSA CGUHS Chapter and the Chief Science Officers. The Cougars are advised by Noel Que, Bioscience/Science Teacher and John Morris, Engineering/Mathematics Teacher. Visit their webpages at: and