Students from CGUHS Students for the Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS) Chapter and the Career & Technical Education (CTE) program attended a two-day long workshop at Phoenix College on August 16-17. This workshop was a part of a NASA Space Grant funded project, administered through the Aerospace STEM Challenges to Educate New Discoverers (ASCEND) project at the University of Arizona. This statewide initiative is an Arizona Space Grant Consortium statewide Workforce Development program designed to involve undergraduate students from across Arizona in the full "design-build-fly-operate-analyze" cycle of a space mission. Across our state, student teams from University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Glendale Community College, Pima Community College (NW), Central Arizona College (Signal Peak, San Tan), Phoenix College, and Diné College, design and build high altitude (>100,000 feet) instrumentation payloads to conduct near space research. Participation in this program is geared to complement regular classroom learning by offering direct hands-on immersion with the full mission cycle--something few NASA or aerospace industry scientists and engineers ever see through. Casa Grande Union High School is the first high school chosen to participate in this project. Involvement with this project will continue throughout this school year. The CGUHS Near Space Research Project Team consists of students Neal Allado, Even Centeno, Sophia Jorda, Alora Linehan, and Ivanna Perez. The Cougars are advised by CTE/Mathematics Teacher John Morris. Visit