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Honors Biology
CG-BiologyHonorsJoannetPatunogMountingPlantCell20240906 (4)
(CGUHS) Ms. Joannet Patun-og's Honors Biology students conducted an experiment on cells, "Mounting Plant Cell". The specimen was Red Onion, SN: Allium cepa. Students learned to prepare wet mount slides and observed a plant cell under a light/compound microscope. They described and illustrated the general structure of a plant cell. Wet mount slide preparation is one of the most complicated types of slide preparation and contains multiple steps. First, students must release a single drop of liquid sample in the center of the glass slide holder and then carefully position the liquid center with a set of tweezers. Second, they must place the glass cover over the specimen slowly and carefully avoid air bubbles. Finally, they must carefully remove the excess water around the slide cover. The students did a great job! For more information about the Science Department, visit