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Spanish Classes

(CGUHS) In our Spanish classes, we learned about the Mexican tradition "Day of the Dead". We explored the importance of this tradition for several Mexican families. Spanish I classes worked on vocabulary words for Day of the Dead and created a colorful virtual altar with a written paragraph in Spanish about the person they honored. The AP class and Spanish II classes created ALTARES (offerings) in a shoe box. They learned that the four elements of nature must be represented in the altar and there were other required items too. For example, PAN DE MUERTO. This is a special bread baked for this celebration. Students worked in groups of six and created the boxes in class. They colored printed images and made pop-up figures. They used playdough, beads, thread, paper doilies, small items provided in the class, and their own creativity. Students collaborated very well and finalized the project with a group presentation. We are very proud of our students' collaboration skills and accomplishments. For more information about World Languages, please visit