Casa Grande Union High School District News Article

Near Space Research Team

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(CGUHS) On Tuesday, September 19, students from the Arizona State University (ASU) Nationwide Eclipse Balloon Project (NEBP) team traveled to Casa Grande to visit and share with their NEBP colleagues at CGUHS. The status of the NEBP was discussed as well as ways in which ASU and CGUHS students might collaborate on future projects. The combined Arizona NEBP team includes Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Casa Grande Union High School. The university students will travel to Roswell, New Mexico, in October, where they will launch two high-altitude balloons, tracked by two separate ground stations, to gather data on the effect of the annular eclipse on the Earth's atmosphere. The Nationwide Eclipse Balloon Project at CGUHS is undertaken by the Near Space Research Team and members of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) as an extension of the CTE Engineering program. NEBP is a part of the NASA Space Grant program. The project status briefing was followed by a period of general discussion regarding aspects of the project and collaboration between the combined team. The Cougars are advised by Mr. John Morris.

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Casa Grande Union High School District #82 prohibits discrimination in employment and educational programs based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator(s), Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, or [email protected]

El Distrito Casa Grande Union High #82 prohibe la discriminación de empleo y programas educacionales basados en raza, color, religion, sexo, edad, descapacidad, origen nacional, estado militar, información de prueba genetica, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o expresion y provee acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados.

Preguntas, quejas, o solicitudes para información adicional de acuerdo a estas leyes deben ser dirigidas a la coordinadora designada, Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, [email protected]

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