(CGUHS) John Morris's Near Space Research Team has exciting things going on this weekend. Note: The launch site has been moved to the I-8 Freeman Road Exit (Exit 140) and the fill increased to 140%.
The Thursday AM prediction for the ANSR-150 balloon flight with a 140% fill of hydrogen is for a flight of 89 km (55 miles) on a bearing of 082º, landing at 32° 56.842'N, 111° 22.547'W, or 9.4 km (5.9 miles) south of Florence, Arizona. Burst should occur after 63 minutes with a total flight time of 95 minutes. The assumptions for this prediction are a 3000 gram Kaymont balloon, payload mass of 8.20 kg (17.04 lbs), neck lift of 11.5 kg (25.3 lbs), an ascent rate of 7.64 m/sec (1504 fpm), a burst altitude of 29,625 meters (97,200 feet), descent rate at landing of 6.60 m/sec (1270 fpm) and using the Sondehub Predictor. Google Earth KML, JPG files and a screenshot of the Sondehub.org predictor are attached.
The launch of ANSR-150 is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 11,at 9:00 AM MST (1600 UT), from a launch site near the Freeman Road exit of I-8 (Exit 140) southwest of Maricopa (32° 50.818’N, 112° 19.190’W). The actual launch site will be determined as we get closer to launch day.
The Thursday AM prediction for the ANSR-151 balloon flight with a 140% fill of hydrogen is for a flight of 89 km (55 miles) on a bearing of 082º, landing at 32° 56.879'N, 111° 22.502'W, or 314 feet NE of ANSR-150. Burst should occur after 62 minutes with a total flight time of 95 minutes. The assumptions for this prediction are a 3000 gram Kaymont balloon, payload mass of 8.4 kg (18.4 lbs), neck lift of 11.7 kg (23.3 lbs), an ascent rate of 7.67 m/sec (1509 fpm), a burst altitude of 29503 meters (96,800 feet), descent rate at landing of 6.66 m/sec (1310 fpm) and using the Sondehub Predictor. Google Earth KML, JPG files and a screenshot of the Sondehub.org predictor are attached.
The launch of ANSR-151 is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 11, at 9:30 AM MST (1630 UT), from a launch site near the Freeman Road exit of I-8 (Exit 140) southwest of Maricopa (32° 50.818’N, 112° 19.190’W). The actual launch site will be determined as we get closer to launch day.
The Weather Underground forecast for Maricopa, Arizona, for Saturday, May 11, is for: Sunny. High 93F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Weather at launch time is forecast to be Sunny and 78F. Winds NE at 4 mph.