Friday, Feb. 28th - BROWN BAG LUNCH and open mic, please sign up in the library
Song must be school appropriate.
PROM tickets are on sale now in the bookstore before school and at lunch. Tickets are limited. Tickets will be sold to Juniors and Seniors only. Tickets will be $75 each. One ticket per student. Prom will be Saturday April 12th at Robson Ranch. Any questions please see Mrs. Maestas in H109.
Hey cougars....We got the results!!!
Congratulations cougars, your blood drive collected a total of 68 units of blood which will go on to impact the lives of 170 patients. Our next blood drive is on Wednesday 4/30 from 8-12. Sign up now in room E103 before spaces fill up.
Seniors: Have you applied for any scholarships yet? There are many local scholarship applications available in the counseling office. Please come by and pick them up. Currently, we have Rotary Club, Pinal 40, and many more which are all due in the next several weeks.
11th grade boys who are interested in Boys State in Tucson this June need to email Mrs. Preston in the counseling office this week.
KEY CLUB: Great meeting this week! If you missed the meeting come to E103 to get the details and claim your spot and prize for signing up for upcoming events!
FRESHMAN STUDENT COUNCIL MEETINGS on some Tuesday mornings at 7:45 in A195. All are welcome. Please join us to plan and to help with future fundraising events.
Junior Class Student Council will meet Wednesday right after school In H109. All juniors are welcome. We will be discussing PROM decor.
NHS: Pay your dues and get your shirt. Seniors need to pay to get your stole for graduation.
RENAISSANCE SILVER AND GOLD CARD HOLDERS! DO you love BASEBALL? IF so, stop by the Library Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday to sign up to watch and support our boys BASEBALL team. They play Mesa HERE from 11-1! MUST BE ON LIST TO GO!
Track: Practices are Monday-Friday at 3:30pm on the Track. Wednesdays we do weight training from 1:15-3pm. Please see Coach Kieser or Coach White in the P.E. Hallway if you have any questions and/or want to sign up.
Soccer- Girls and Boys
Please turn in all uniforms and backpacks back to the equipment room. Holds have been placed on accounts. Please meet with the Bookstore or the Equipment room to review charges.
Boys Basketball:
Basketball players please turn in your uniforms to Mr. Owensby. Holds have been placed on accounts. Please meet with the Bookstore or the Equipment room to review charges.
February 26, 2025 - (Wednesday)
Varsity Softball vs Mica Mountain
Lincoln Park (A)
31st Annual Softball Dorado Classic
12:00 pm
Varsity Softball vs Cienega
Lincoln Park (A)
31st Annual Softball Dorado Classic
6:00 pm
Varsity Softball vs Tombstone
Lincoln Park (A)
31st Annual Softball Dorado Classic
8:00 pm
Varsity Baseball vs McClintock
Casa Grande Union High School (H)
Pinon/Huffman Pinal County Memorial Baseball Invitational
5:00 pm